Sunday, July 24, 2022

I15 Veterans Memorial Hwy - Google Maps

When I would drive from Vegas back to Salt Lake City, I would cross a point that said "Summit 6600" feet, around 125 miles north of Arizona.  This is the highest point on Interstate 15.,-112.6152588,3a,41.1y,54.8h,83.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sc3eYktLu7m4gCh5_m0bMHQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

This would be followed by the longest downhill drive I have ever seen:

The sign says "5-degree grade, next two miles."  Five degrees doesn't sound like much, but it seems significant while you are driving it.  According to my calculation, five degrees over two miles indicates a descent of 940 feet.

About a mile farther you go around a curve and get a fantastic view of a valley stretching before you.  Google Street View doesn't do it justice.  The drive north from southern Utah was mostly boring till this point.

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