Sunday, March 16, 2025

The OLDEST websites EVER

0 seconds ago
Was there a website in 1986? I used the text-only Internet from around 1989 to 1995. I didn't download Netscape until around 1995, and the Internet was so sparse that I didn't know what to do with it.

BTW, I was a programmer on the Space Jam video game.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Tornado Warning in Columbus Indiana Last Night

I was woken up in the middle of the night by a city-wide tornado siren. I was tired and didn't hear any severe weather other than distant thunder. Thinking it wasn't necessary to get out of bed, I checked my phone for alerts. There was a tornado warning for Columbus, but the tornado didn't seem to be nearby.

The siren stopped after about three minutes but started again. When it stopped for the second time, I was able to go back to sleep.

I can't find much in the news about it, but I'd like to know where the tornado was.  A couple of years ago there was a tornado in the western part of the county that created a severe wind that knocked down trees all over the city.

Today it is threatening to storm outside.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Problem with Laptops and Heat - and the problem with Apple computers

0 seconds ago
0:34 It is ironic that the video features the Minisforum UM790 Pro. Mine overheated and died after 14 months of heavy use. I argued with the manufacturer about the warranty, but they told me that the seller on AliExpress was responsible for warranty service. The seller agreed to inspect it if I shipped it to China. It took six weeks to arrive, and now the seller is examining the dead computer to determine whether they will provide warranty service. Mini computers use mobile components, making them similar to laptops. I now realize that a mini-computer is unlikely to have adequate cooling.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Thursday, March 6, 2025

John Coffey - IMDb

I have a page on IMDB, which I discovered by accident. If you search online for John Coffey, the results will be about The Green Mile.

This is not as complete as this list:

which itself is not complete.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Star Wars Youtuber gives detailed response to my question

My question was in response to a previous video in which he ascribed weird motives to people who enjoyed "The Acolyte" series.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Diana Muldaur

I am always astonished at the passage of time.

Diana Muldaur played three different characters on Star Trek.  Right now I am watching an episode of the original series, Return to Tomorrow, where she is referred to as a young woman.  She was 29.5 when the episode aired.  I remember seeing this episode a very long time ago.

Twenty years later when she played in the second season of Star Trek The Next Generation, she was 50.  Her character, Doctor Pulaski, was interesting but the character had mixed reactions from the fans.  She was not invited back for the third season.

She stopped acting in 1993.   But she has come out of retirement to play in an upcoming film called Finding Hannah.  She is 86.

Time has a way of speaking up on all of us.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Story of Chunk the Groundhog. Narrated by Gardener Jeff.

Been watching this guy occasionally on YouTube for years. There are only so many videos of groundhogs I can find entertaining, but it is cute.

The guy fortified his garden but started putting out vegetables for the groundhogs so that he could record them for his YouTube channel.

A long time ago my father advised to never feed wild animals. You make them dependent. Animals know how to find food. However, I'm more worried about rabies, which is a deadly disease and especially common among raccoons. I've saw a video of a kind old lady feeding a bunch of raccoons. This can be dangerous.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Why The US Navy Really Needs This One Forest in Indiana

0 seconds ago
Indiana is an "F" tier state?  Indiana is an industrial powerhouse with vast amounts of farmland and natural forests.  Columbus, Indiana, where I grew up and retired 40 years later, was determined to be the safest small city in the country.  The city is also famous for its architecture and is the worldwide headquarters of Cummins Engine Company.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Big City versus Small City

On December 26th, I wanted to stop at Walmart and Sam's Club to pick up a few things. While driving home from Russiaville, Indiana, I thought it would be convenient to stop in Greenwood and get the shopping out of the way. However, as I drove past Walmart and Sam's Club in Greenwood, I saw parking lots packed with cars as if December 26th were Black Friday. It looked like a madhouse, so I kept driving, wasting a few minutes in Greenwood.

Instead, I did my shopping in Columbus. I had to go a little out of my way, but not by much. The parking situation was much more manageable.

I used to live a block from Greenwood and went to the city almost daily. One of the many reasons I moved back to my hometown of Columbus, Indiana, was that I was tired of all the traffic issues in Greenwood.

My point is that living in a small city seems more manageable than living in a big city and has far fewer traffic problems. Columbus has almost everything I need and is easier to deal with as I get older.


Friday, December 13, 2024

Some People Have an "Inner Monologue"

0 seconds ago
When I was in High School a teacher claimed that people think in words, which might have fit her point of view since it was an English class.  However, I didn't believe it. I did not think using words.  I thought by visualizing things in my mind.

I was also not very interested in interacting with other people back then.  I have a loner personality.  However, 45 years later, I have spent a lifetime interacting with people, so my thoughts are like conversations with others. I imagine explaining or justifying my thoughts to others.  This is the opposite of how I used to visualize my thoughts.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Streaming Services

I allowed to expire Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, and a two week promotional subscription to Prime.

I'm waiting to see what deals I can get on Black Friday. I don't want to load up on streaming services that I rarely watch, but a couple would be nice.

I would like to get Max again. If they offered me another three month discount like they did before I would take it.

If Amazon were to offer a year of Prime at half off I would take it. Any discount on Prime might be worth it because of the free shipping that goes with it.

Netflix did not offer any discounts in recent years, but if they did offer a discount I would consider making it my main streaming service.

Disney+ and Hulu don't have enough new material which I want to watch to make it worth the full price. However, I got them so ridiculously cheap (with commercials) last Black Friday that it was a good deal. It was $3 a month for the pair.

Last night just before my Hulu subscription expired, I got half way through Alien Romulus. This is an interesting movie. What I saw is not as scary as the originals, but more of a sci-Fi drama.

Best wishes,

John Coffey

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Older chess players I knew

I looked up some Utah chess players I knew.

Unfortunately, Carmelo Punzalan passed away in 2017.

Adolf Stuhmer passed away in 2022.

I am constantly reminded of how mortal we are.  Many people once part of my life are no longer with us.


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Eight year old Facebook post

The theory of left or right brain dominance is considered a myth, but even if it is a myth, it illustrates that people have different ways of thinking, where some people are more logical thinkers, good with math and science, and others are more artistic, subjective, and emotional.

I once took a personality test that claimed that I had 70% left brain dominance. This was in no way a surprise. I am into science, history, math and chess.
I see many assertions on here and elsewhere that seem to me to not have a sound logical basis. This is especially true of political posts in the last few weeks. I find myself reacting to things that seem totally outrageous, but reacting to these things is mostly a waste of my time. It can be entertaining, but it doesn't lead anywhere because I am never going to convince people who are already firm in their beliefs.

I have come to believe that a great many people and I will never agree on great many things because our brains are wired differently. This doesn't necessarily make one person right and the other wrong, but it does mean that we see the world very differently.

I think that politics is driven by fear. Each side has completely different things that they are afraid of. Fear is an extremely powerful motivator, therefore it takes away people's ability to be objective. Politics is mostly a reaction to things that people are against, because if people were perfectly happy, they wouldn't need politics.

Best wishes,

John Coffey

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

How NOT to Land a Parachute

In the past, I wanted to try skydiving, but not anymore.  I'm getting older and it is too risky.

I have heard that in parachute training they make you fall from increasing heights until you can fall and land from a height of 16 feet.  That's a pretty big drop.  According to the laws of physics, you would be traveling at 32 feet per second.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

1982 Chess Program

3 hours ago (edited)
I am an Expert level chess player.  In 1982 I was not as highly rated, maybe low class B.  

The dedicated chess computers in the 1970s started with a 4 MHZ Z80, but were extremely weak mostly due to poor programming.  The Spectrum uses a 3.58 Mhz Z80.

In the 1980s dedicated chess computers switched to the 6502 processor which can do 8-bit operations twice as fast as a Z80, starting at 2 Mhz and working up from there.  In 1982 they were still not very impressive but were getting better.   They didn't become competitive with me until 1983 running at 3 MHZ, and I think the Fidelity brand was using some variation of the Sargon program.  

Sometime in 1984, there was a breakthrough with the 4 Mhz 6502 Novag Super Constellation (programmed by Dave Kittinger who would later do the Chessmaster 2000 and 3000 PC programs) which was ranked at the same low-Expert level that I am now.  It played better than me even though I had moved up to low Class A in early 1985.

Sometime around 1986, I entered a contest from a British Spectrum magazine where if you could solve a chess problem printed in the magazine you would be entered to win the latest and greatest Spectrum chess program.   I sent a postcard to England to enter the contest, and months later I got a tape of the game in the mail.  I was able to beat the program.  (I had purchased a Spectrum ROM cartridge to be able to play Spectrum games.)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

How do Video Game Graphics Work?

I knew the basics, but most of this is quite advanced.

The computational power required is enormous.  Graphics cards use hundreds of watts of power.  (My mini-computer has a processor with a TDP of only 55 watts.)

In the 1980s, I tried to do simple 3D graphics on 8-bit and 16-bit computers.   Since I had at most 16 colors to work with, no advanced shading was possible.

On the Timex Sinclair 1000, which was an 8-bit 16K back-and-white computer, I managed to create a low-res black-and-white 3D rotating object stored in the computer's memory.  I then could display the rotating object.  It was an impressive effect for such a simple machine.  

I accomplished similar effects on the more advanced Timex Sinclair 2068 color computer.  I also did some simple 3D effects on the Atari ST computer.

The 8-bit machines were capable of about 500 floating point calculations per second.  The Xbox Series X console is capable of 12 trillion per second.  The advanced graphics card featured in the video is capable of 33 trillion.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Why is "The Empire Strikes Back" considered the best Star Wars film? (Star Wars Discussion)

0 seconds ago
I had just barely graduated High School when I drove to Indianapolis to see TESB at a big theater with a large curved screen.  I sat in the front row.  At one point my head had to turn quite a ways to follow a ship flying across the big curved screen.  It felt almost 3D.

I grew up in the 1970s.  The country was in a state of malaise for the entire decade.  We had suffered through the Vietnam War, Watergate, the oil crisis, stagnation, and inflation.  China and Russia were evil empires trying to take over their neighbors.  

Star Wars was a beacon of hope.  It said that good could stand against evil.  The Empire Strikes Back became my favorite movie and it still is.

I'm slowly turning into an old man but I am still a die-hard Star Wars fan.

Saturday, August 24, 2024 eufy L60 Robot Vacuum

This vacuum has some of the best online reviews, so I got it.

I wrote the following review:

I'm Impressed.


1. The navigation and obstacle avoidance is the best I have seen.  The vacuum moves faster than my Neato vacuums.

2.  It did a good job of cleaning my floors.

3.  The setup was easy with the app.  It will first map the entire house without cleaning.  It does a good job of mapping the house.

4.  You can select individual rooms for cleaning.

5.  The app is very good, although some features like scheduling and other options are hard to find and are not documented in the manual.  This was not a problem once I figured it out.

6.  You can define "no-go" areas, and I found this useful.


1.  My unit was not shipped with a user manual and should have been.  I called the company and they mailed me a manual.  However, I was able to figure everything out by downloading the app which is for the most part easy to use.

2.  The cleaning is not perfect; it can take several vacuums to get everything.  It has minor problems in tight areas like corners, baseboards, and furniture.  However, I had the same problem with other robot vacuums so it is not a big a big deal.  This is why people recommend vacuuming every day, but I scheduled mine for four days a week to preserve the life of the vacuum.  (All my robot vacuums have had a lifespan of 1 to 3 years before needing repair or replacement.  I have owned several over the last 24 years.)

3.  I had to do the room mapping twice.  For some reason, it thought that part of the house was inaccessible.  I moved some obstacles that shouldn't have been a problem and re-did the map.

4.  The dust bin is not as large as the Neato brand.  For this reason, I have decided to order the self-emptying base.  I recommend spending the extra $100 and get this model.

5.  The battery life is not good enough to do my 1500-square-foot house in one pass.  After doing part of the house, it is supposed to go back to the base station, recharge, and then do the rest of the house.  However, this feature wasn't turned on by default and it took me a while to figure out how to turn it on.

5.  If the unit has to charge more often, then the battery will probably need replacement sooner.

6.  The vacuum is smaller and half the weight of the Neato brand.  I don't know if this is good or bad or what this means for the durability or the battery life.  I think that the Neato might be better, but more expensive, and be warned that Neato has gone out of business, and all the models I owned broke down afterr a couple of years.  You can still order their vacuums on Amazon.

7.  I don't like the way it mapped the rooms.  My living room, dining room, family room, and kitchen are all connected, and the device mapped them as one big room.  It is not a big deal, but I would prefer to have these as separate rooms.  I would like a feature where I can override the default mapping and define the rooms.


This "budget model" is a great robot vacuum for relatively low cost.  It seems very efficient for its lighter weight and slightly smaller size.   Again, I recommend spending the extra $100 and getting the self-emptying station.

Friday, August 23, 2024

They’re one of the oldest Chinese restaurants in America

It is a pity this is not In Columbus, Indiana. It is three hours away in Columbus, Ohio. I am tempted to try it, especially in the very rare event that I would have a need to go to Ohio. I bought one of my computers in Cincinnati five years ago, which is halfway to the restaurant.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Beyond The Mind's Eye (Complete Film)

Back in the early 1990s, a series of films called "Beyond the Mind's Eye" featured the latest in stunning computer graphics.  Although it is dated today, I was impressed enough to buy the videotape.  The sequence from 13:55  to 15:49 impressed the hell out of me.

Friday, August 9, 2024

This New Super Nintendo Game Changes EVERYTHING For Retro Games...

They have taken a 30 year old Super Nintendo game that I did some work on, and added a more powerful coprocessor to the cartridge to make it play better. The original version used Nintendo's SFX Chip on the cartridge to create 3D graphics, but it wasn't powerful enough to do the game well.

This New Super Nintendo Game Changes EVERYTHING For Retro Games...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Shave and a Haircut

I knew the name because it was mentioned in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" which I saw 35 years ago.

This other video is interesting...